Self-defense is not just a set of techniques: it is a state of mind, and it begins with the belief that you are worth defending.”
Richard Bresler is Rorion Gracie’s first student in the USA, and is widely considered to be the first American student of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
WORTH DEFENDING is the story of Richard’s 40+ year involvement with the Gracie family.
Self-defense is not just a set of techniques: it is a state of mind, and it begins with the belief that you are worth defending.”
There is no better companion to your commute than this book! Get it now on Amazon and soon on other book stores and apps.
Watch the Gracie Brothers interview with Richard Bresler.
RICHARD BRESLER is widely recognized as the first student of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the USA. For almost twenty years he worked closely alongside Rorion Gracie, helping to grow Jiu-Jitsu through the Gracie Garages, the Gracie Academy, and the early days of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. He was one of the first Americans to earn a teaching certificate through the original Instructor Certification Program at the Gracie Academy, and one of the first Americans to earn a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He still teaches Jiu-Jitsu and practices alternative healing in Los Angeles, California.
SCOTT BURR is a graduate of the creative writing program at the Colorado College. He is the author of the novels Bummed Out City and We Will Rid the World of You, the training manuals Get a Grip and Suspend Your Disbelief, and the martial arts, health, and fitness essay collection Superhero Simplified. He holds black belt rank in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Kodokan Judo, and the Korean art of Kuk Sul Do. He currently runs Enclave Jiu-Jitsu, a martial arts community and private training facility located in Northeast Ohio.
WORTH DEFENDING is the story of his over 40 years’ involvement with the Gracies and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, from the first “Gracie Garage” in Hermosa Beach, California and the founding of the Gracie Academy through the inception of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and the martial arts revolution that followed.
Rener Gracie
Phil Migliarese III
Lowell Anderson
Steve Maxwell
Master Pedro Sauer
Master Fabio Santos
If you are a real fan of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, you will love this book
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